Environmental walkin chambers
Environmental Walk-in Test Chamber Manufacturers & Suppliers in USA, UK, Russia
- EWS-Series Walk-in Environmental Chambers with custom-built features to meet testing needs of large-sized test specimens.
- Mono-block walk-in chambers are designed for high-temperature operations using high-grade materials.
- Pre-fabricated panel structured walk-in chambers are designed for low and medium temperature operations.
- Both Water-cooled and Air-cooled mechanical refrigeration system available with hermetic or semi-hermetic compressors for better efficiency.
- Configured for temperature and relative humidity conditioning in the system ensuring high temperature accuracies, reliable test results.
- Integrated/remote refrigeration compartments and control panel.
- ET-touch color touch programmer
- RS-232, RS-485, USB, Ethernet and USB host port
- Height adjustable specimen racks
- Cable ports
- Built-in web server which allows remote monitoring and operation of your test chamber from any Internet connected PC or Smart Phone

- Remote Control Console
Standard Models
Parameters | Specifications |
Volume | 10000,12000,14000, 16000, 18000 & 22000 Liters |
Temp Relative Humidity | -35 / -65 to 180°C 10 to 95% RH |

Varieties of
Walk-In Environmental Chambers

Pre-fabricated Double Door Walk-in Chamber

Pre-Fabricated Single Door Walk-in Chamber

Single Block Double Door Walk-in Chamber

Single-Block Single Door Walk-in Chamber

Split Type Walk-in Chamber